An introduction to photographic product visualization using KeyShot and Photoshop
A downloadable step-by-step video guide showing you how to create a photographic product visualization using KeyShot 6 and Photoshop.
In this course, bite-sized videos lead you comfortably through model import over custom material creation, composition and staging, tailor-made lighting to output and final post-processing with tips and tricks to get a photographic look. Whether you’re a beginner or intermediate user of KeyShot, I’m certain you’ll gain new skills that will leverage your future work.
Nic Kuipers, Industrial Designer
Dušan Ristić, Graphic Designer & Illustrator
Michael Archer
+ 2h 45m of detailed step by step video with voiceover
+ All project files including 3D model, texture images, KeyShot Package and layered Photoshop PSD.
+ KeyShot 6 Pro
+ Adobe Photoshop
+ A basic understanding of KeyShot. This playlist will give you the necessary skills.
Course content:
The course is divided into 7 main chapters, all important for the final outcome. The chapters are divided into bite-sized follow along instructional videos on how to create the exact visualization of the binoculars you see here on this site. The 7 chapters are:
- Model import and preparation (18m)
Preparation - Custom material creation (1h 17m)
Hard plastic rough
Soft Plastic
Geometry Editor
Black Paint
Hard Plastic Shiny
Labels - Staging and composition (18m)
- Custom lighting setup (16m)
- Final Adjustments (8m)
- Output (6m)
- Post-processing (22m)
You'll get: 2h 45m video (2880x1800) + 3D model + KeyShot KSP + Photoshop PSD + texture images